Starts With You
Turn Your Food Waste… into an Incredible Earth Resource!
Earth Stew Compost Services, LLC is a subscription based business that offers a food waste recycling service for the environmentally conscientious that live in the greater Madison area. We are currently servicing the Cities of Madison, Fitchburg, Middleton and Monona.
Acceptable Waste
- Fruit pulp/peelings
- Veggies/peelings
- Grains
- Eggshells
- Coffee & Tea grounds/filters
- Tea bags
Not Acceptable Waste
- Bones/Meat/Fish/Oils
- All dairy products
- Compostable/biodegradable bags & containers
- All paper products: newspaper, napkins, & towels
- Twist ties, rubber bands, stickers
- Pet waste
- Plants— including potting soil & roots
Why Compost?
Composting and the Domino Effect
About 33% of all household waste is food waste that can be diverted from the landfills and composted to make a rich soil amendment that improves the health of the soil.
By simply having your food waste composted using Earth Stew Composting Services you enact the permaculture concepts and create a positive domino effect for yourself, the environment and community.

Care for the Earth
- Reduce landfill use.
- Reduce greenhouse gas.
- Reduces compost miles – compost is made within miles of your home.
- Reduce/Replaces chemical fertilizers.
- Improves the soil.
- Improves water retention in the soil.

Care for the People
- Supports local agriculture (backyard gardens, local farms).
- Healthy soil = healthy plants (food and aesthetics).
- Supports job creation.
- Supports the Central Wisconsin Center for the Developmentally Disabled.

Share the Bounty
- Receive compost in the Spring.
Earth Stew Compost Services makes composting so easy. We just put everything in the bucket. Then we set it out for pick up and get a fresh bucket. Very easy!
Mary E.